You drive through the gates, looking for an empty spot.
You pass the first tower, none.
You pass the second tower...nope, it's just unsuspecting kelisa that's playing with your feelings.
You reach the third tower and you finally find a spot, you step out onto what seems like the longest road ever built that leads to the main building. The sun is beating down on you and your walk almost seems like a pilgrimage.

But hey, is the long walk really that bad? Here are 5 ways to put a positive spin on the walk.
1. Your daily bit of exercise.
As Malaysians, the most walking we do is probably from our front doors to our cars, let's admit it.
So let's take the "opportunity" to have our bout of exercise for the day without the treadmills...and to walk off that JC pancake you had in between classes.
2. Getting your daily dose of Vitamin D.
The perpetual heat makes none of us like the sun but hey, let's take that sunshine as your natural source of Vitamin Ds for the day.
3. A good way to get energized.
Every time I'm feeling a little sleepy or groggy in the morning, the long brisk walk I take from tower 2 always wakes me up for my 8 am classes. Works better than caffeine, cheaper too! ;)
4. A time to appreciate the sunrise (and sunset)
Living in a city, it's probably something we take for granted, that coupled with the fact that we love to stay indoors and air-conditioned. Taking the walk to and fro lets allows you to catch the sunrise (and some times sunset) that you might be missing out on if not for the walks.
5. Motivation to be early for classes
We've all been late at least once, or maybe more than once. In most cases, the competitive parking has made us get up a little earlier, leave home a little earlier, and even get to classes a little earlier. This is a good habit to keep, it also impresses lecturers when you're in class before them. So be a smarty, don't be tardy.
6. You make new friends
It's happened several times, where I'm taking the long walk to my car and another student (late for class,desperate for a spot) offers to drive me to my car in exchange for my parking. We became friends after, a friend I wouldn't have had it not been for the long work that I (and he) had to walk to class. :)
7. At least you aren't this guy :x
Don't you feel better about just walking (and not basking) in the sun now?
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