Students You Might See Around Campus

There are many students you might notice or encounter on campus.  Here are five of them.

1. Athletes

ADPians in particular are very sporty.  This can be seen during the popular ADP Cup events throughout the Spring and Fall semester.  Do go check some of the games out if you're free!

2. Fashionable Students

These people are really into fashion.  You could go up to them anytime for fashion advice, and some of them would even be willing enough to accompany you on shopping sprees!

3. OnZ 

What is onz?  It's a Malaysian slang substitute for "Okay sure" and these type of people pretty much agree to everything.

A : Let's go eat at the mamak!
B: Onz
A: Let's go watch a movie!
B: Onz
A : Let's PARTY

4. Genius

Typically, these people are often seen studying in the library or any available space during their free time.  They're all really smart and do very well in their studies.

5. Camwhores

These people love being in photos, and will grab any available DSLR or iPhone nearby.  

So there you have it, you may just bump into some of them soon!  Hahah.


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